Cold and flu season is upon us, here are some tips to stay happy and healthy to ensure you’re able and present during the holidays!
The single best way to reduce the risk of seasonal flu and its potentially serious complications is to get vaccinated, which is free with most health insurance plans. I get a flu shot every fall to help keep myself, my clients, and my family safe. Some other tips are:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick or if you are sick
Stay at home whenever possible (and if you have a massage appointment, please reschedule!)
Cover your nose and mouth with a mask to prevent the spread of germs
Keep your hands clean and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work, or school if someone is sick
These have all been drilled into us during the pandemic, of course. It is important to know that viruses cause the common cold (rhinovirus), influenza, and the coronavirus. And not from “not wearing a hat in the cold” or “going out in the cold with wet hair”, etc. BUT these things are physically stressful and stress takes a huge toll on your immune system. If you stress your immune system too much, you won’t be able to fight off viruses as efficiently.
Additional healthy habits that don’t get talked about as much that can also help give your immune system a fighting chance:
Get plenty of sleep (7-10 hours) This is when your body does most of its healing.
Drink lots of water. This is harder to remember in colder months, but you should aim for half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, aim for 60 ounces of water per day. Try soup or tea if you’re struggling with this.
Be physically active! Exercise is a huge immune booster! Try to be active for at least 30 minutes per day, even if it’s just walking the dog or having a dance party in your living room.
Eat healthy foods! Try to stay away from processed foods as much as you can and eat plenty of fruits and veggies. I challenge you to have veggies with every meal
Manage your stress! Meditate, say no to unnecessary social situations that drain you, read a good book before bed instead of watching the news, GET A MASSAGE Stress is a huge drain on your immune system and your health in general, so the less stressed you are, the more ready your immune system will be to fight.
Let us help you manage your stress today!